JONATHAN MONKHOUSE (@the_funkhouse)
Jonathan once watched Baby Wants Candy in 2001 and was so amazed by what he saw that he then forgot impro existed for 9 years, years that incidentally also coincided with not wanted to go on stage again after the ‘Great Pasta Incident’ of 1998. After being badgered into a Hoopla workshop by some sadists, he realised improv was his true love all along. He now believes that there are no other valid art-forms.
Jonathan studied improv at The Annoyance Theatre in Chicago, working with Susan Messing and Mick Napier. He has been a member of Music Box and 8bit. He co-wrote and produced Andrew and The Slides of Chaos and he sleeps far less than he should. His current shows are Project Two - a 2-man improv Science Fiction show - and Ghostbusters: The Musical.

JINNI LYONS (@comedyfoodgirl)
Jinni is the resident food critic, which comes in pretty handy on a comedy night, I can tell you.
Jinni has trained with the likes of Dylan Emery, Alan Marriott, Katy Schutte and Tim Sniffen of Baby Wants Candy.
She regularly performs in Silly String Theory, was part of 8bit and a key member of Curt Hatred. She was part of Cannonball Impro at the Edinburgh Fringe festival. In the day time she translates foreign words into English words. She’s a regular player of Catch 23 and writes a food blog that makes you hungry.

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